World Book Day

Today was World Book Day. It was a great day. The children made a huge effort to dress up as various characters from their favourite books. There were lots of genres of books discussed such as story books, factual books, annuals and comics. We talked about the characters in stories and what some of our favourite stories were. Some of the older classes did paired reading with the younger classes and each class took part in DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) for some time. The younger classes had an assembly to show off all their costumes. Don't the children look wonderful!?!


These are children in Ms Roche's Third Class all dressed up in their costumes.

Mad about Multiplication

3rd class have been working very hard on their tables at home and in school. We are playing multiplication and division games in pairs and small groups every morning.

We love board games, Kaboom and Multiples Bingo, but our favourite game is Team Challenge!

We also made multiplication 'fortune tellers' for our 3x tables. We like using them to play with our friends while learning our tables. They were tricky to make, so a big than you to the boys and girls who helped us to do it!

Fractions and Andy Warhol

Third class has great fun learning all about fractions last week. We could even relate fractions to our art lesson!

We had been discussing halves, quarters and eighths. We had been dividing up materials into equal groups, making sure they were all the same. So we were inspired by Andy Warhols images, where he repeats the same image using lots of different colours. We discussed the fact that he drew things that were part of pop culture in the 50's and compared it to our pop culture now. This provided inspiration for emojis, pokemon, youtube and various foods! 


Keith Haring Art

Keith Haring inspired Third Class Art last week. He was an Artist from USA. He did not like formal art and was inspired by pop art. He created images that were simple and stylised. He used bold lines, bright colours and created a sense of movement in his art. Here are some examples of his work 


From his work, we were inspired to make art like his! 



Christmas Plays

Over the next two weeks we have wonderful plays going on to celebrate Christmas.

We would love for you to come and see the plays and cheer on your child.

This Wednesday 14th at 12pm, Junior Infants will have their play altogether in the Junior Building hall.

 On Tuesday 20th at 9.30 the Early Start groups are putting on their concerts in their classrooms. All children must be in by 9.15am.

Also on Tuesday 20th at 1pm the 1st class children will put on their Christmas play in the Junior Building hall.

On the 21st December the whole school community is invited to St. Fergal's church to watch the Junior production of Busy Bethlehem performed by 1st, 2nd and 3rd class. This will take place at 11am.

Later that same day the Senior children from 4th, 5th and 6th class will perform Hosanna Rock at 1pm. Ms.Connolly's class will be the actors.

Please come and join us for the festivities.

Local History

The 4th classes have been learning all about the Bray town hall this term. We asked lots of questions including:

When was it built? Why it was built? Who built it?

We looked at lots of pictures of the building both modern and old. Here are a few of them...

After reading some information about the Brabazon family – we were lucky enough to be able to walk down and have a look at the building close up.

We see it all the time but this time we were able to go upstairs and see where the first town council meeting was held. We even saw where our very own Mr O’ Brien and Mr Behan sit when they attend town council meetings.

We re-enacted a town council meeting while we were there and discovered the answers to all our questions about the building and the statue in front of it.

Afterwards, we did some artwork and wrote out some of our newly learnt facts about the building.

Have a look at our pics and facts. Maybe you'll learn something new as well!


The Egg Experiment in 3rd Class

The Egg Experiment

We were learning all about the Digestive System. We discussed all the different parts and their functions. We focused a lot on the mouth and the teeth. The egg shell acts very similarly to the tooth so we undertook some fair testing. We compared eggs in water, in coca cola and in vingear. The egg in water acted as a control to compare the other eggs to. We left the eggs for 24 hours. The egg in water did not change. The egg in the vinegar dissolves the shell, similar to having lots of acidic in our diet. The egg shell in coca cola changed colour to a very dark brown. This shows the effect of drinking fizzy drinks, teas and coffees. We also cleaned this egg with a toothbrush; highlighting the importance of cleaning our teeth everyday.

4th Class News

Things have been very busy in 4th class. Well done to the boys from both classes who went to the GAA  blitz in Loughlinstown. They won 2 out of 3 of their matches and did our school proud! Best of luck to the girls who are participating next week. 

This month we are learning all about Australia and The Aborigines. Both classes are working on some beautiful dot paintings inspired by The Aborigines. We have made replicas of the Sydney Opera House too. We are also learning how to do Report Writing and we are enjoying researching all about Australian culture as part of this. 

In science, Ms. Connolly's class have been busy planting and are looking forward to seeing their plants bloom in February. Ms Clarke's class are learning about the digestive system and healthy eating with the help of some experiments.

Finally both classes have been learning the song Do Re Mi from The Sound of Music - click the link to watch a clip from the movie.